Saturday, November 05, 2005

Carter on Intelligent Design

I heard old Jimmy Carter, hero of the left, out on NPR the other day. He has a new book out that naturally discusses how Democrats are better on “values” than Republicans, but just aren’t marketing things right. Apparently he DOES have some issues with abortion however, although he isn’t very clear on what Democrats out to do about the fact that they have to be for abortion in any form there is in order to survive with their party’s base.

He was asked about the teaching of Intelligent Design in public schools, and he answered; “I’m a Christian and I believe that God is creator of the entire universe, but I’m a scientist as well, a nuclear engineer, the mistake is to try to mix the two topics. Intelligent Design is religion and should not be taught in schools.”.

I’m thinking there must be some breakthrough in the “consistency is not an issue” brain operation that lets the liberal mind work that way. Some humorous thoughts flash by. Maybe he thinks God created it all but God is stupid, so it really isn’t ID? Maybe he just thinks that God was fed up with intelligence and created randomness and it finally all “just happened” so it was “the randomness that done it”? Who can say, but my guess is that to Carter there is no problem with compartmentalizing the “belief in God as creator” from a scientific view that “asserts no connection to any creator”. That is the way he likes to think about it, and such “consistency is not an issue” he just goes on thinking that way.

I personally think that the “creation mechanism” issue is actually one of the more interesting problems that educated modern Christians face. I suppose a declaration that “they aren’t related” is one way to handle it, but it seems a bit shallow. I’ll have to remember to write down my thoughts on the topic in the Blog at some future point

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