Sunday, February 05, 2006

Domestic Spying

The MSM and the Democrats have done a great job of “framing” the issue of NSA listening in on calls where one end is a suspected terrorist outside the US and one end is a phone in the US as “domestic spying”. It sounds like most Americans have the reasonable attitude that since most of us aren’t doing anything illegal anyway, who really cares if their phone call is being listened to except a criminal?

Considering listening to a phone call as an “invasion of privacy” is incredible considering the depth of government spying we put up with constantly. The government spies on our salary, our bank interest, our stock dividends and any other financial transaction that they can, and they have no warrant or permission from any judge of any sort, and the whole transaction can be in the US. For most Americans, the spot where we are most likely to get in trouble with the Federal Government is on taxes, and that is the area where our “privacy” is constantly invaded and we treat it as if we somehow have meaningful “privacy”.

We have been so brainwashed that in the case of the taking of vast portions of our property as taxation we give up the presumption of innocence and the need for a warrant for the government to invade our personal information with not even a whimper of complaint. Freedom of speech without the rights to protect our private property from Government search and seizure is very little more than the freedom to complain. Most Americans are too far gone to even understand that their key rights have already been lost. The Democrats and the MSM want to make sure that the rights of terrorists to act against the US are protected, but their concern for the real core right of individuals to work to achieve any financial success is to trample those rights in any way they can.

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