Sunday, September 14, 2008

Barone Ought Not Have Written This

McCain Flies His Campaign Past Obama by Michael Barone on National Review Online

Barone is a genius, and they often are too willing to share their knowledge. I suspect that BO has never read much in the way of military fighter strategy, but I've read a little, and of course McCain has EXPERIENCED a lot! Is it "fair" to try to get inside your oponents head? I'm sure that Putin, Bin Ladin and a ton of other folks out there spend all day long worrying about that issue! You want to play in the big leagues, you better be able to handle the big leagues. HOPEFULLY that is what a real Presidential campaign will show.

So far, all BO and the MSM are doing since McCain launched the Palin offensive is cry "foul", "sleaze", call names, and try to pick on old war wounds. The #1 on one ticket going after the #2 on the other ticket isn't really good strategy in any case, and the unspoken dynamic is that it is likely even LESS good when the #1 is a man and the #2 is a woman.

BO and the MSM are in high dudgeon, that is for sure. They had this all figured out (and I sure thought they did as well), and now it appears to be unraveling pretty fast. Let us hope it accelerates!!

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