Michelle Malkin on Barack Obama on National Review Online
I have no problem with BO making mistakes. He is a human just like the rest of us and no doubt he has some glaring weaknesses, since he seems to have excellent communication skills in both speaking and writing. It appears that numbers may be a large problem for him. A year ago he confidently talked about "Ten thousand killed in a tornado in Kansas".
Most people that have a standard grasp of numbers would immediately sense that was a VERY wrong number, especially when the real number as TWELVE. BO didn't. As I said then, that doesn't really mean anything, it just means he is human and since he is a Democrat, we all just go on without him being called stupid because of it.
There are a number of gaffes where he seems to not really have a solid grasp on how many states are in the US. The one Michelle quotes is pretty cute, I'm sure he FEELS that he has covered 57 states with 1 to go.
Earlier this month in Oregon, he redrew the map of the United States: “Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.”
Again, the primary problem here is that media bias prevents us from getting the full benefit of the humor of having a young guy with no leadership experience and a wife that is obviously pretty bitter about a lot of stuff run for President. There is no reason that it can't be even a bigger hoot than W mangling his prose with regularity. The Presidency is a job that no human being ever has or ever will handle with anything like perfection. The media loves to make a joke of Republican Presidents and if they get any chance they make them into a strange comedy of evil and incompetence that would seem to be metaphysically impossible in the real world.
Their love of Democrats drive them to work very hard to push all flaws and controversy aside as "unimportant", "politically motivated", etc. Sometimes, like with a Carter, the feet of clay just get so obvious that they can no longer keep up the fiction, but sometimes, with someone like Clinton they are able to "stand by their man" no matter how clear it becomes that even the clay is more like regular old dirt ... shit even. I Slick had been an R, his memory would be something like this in the minds of every American.
It is going to take a lot for BO to lose the MSM, and I suspect that "Bush Blame Syndrome" will hold him in good stead for one term no matter how bad things go. Republicans always have one weakness, we still love the country no matter how bad the odds against her may look, maybe especially when it looks dark. My prayer at this point is that BO will be about 100x as lucky as Reagan was, from the way he looks so far, he will need that and more.