Tuesday, May 06, 2008

BO's Gospel of Bitterness

Power Line: Michelle Obama's gospel of bitterness

What one picks up very quickly from BOs book, and here from his wife is that the attachment to Rev Wright and the comments on the "Bitterly Clinging" are part of his basic makeup. The BOs feel that the world is vastly unfair in many ways, and no doubt a lot of it is a "vast conspiracy". This isn't unique to them-Hillary notably felt that there was a "vast RIGHT WING conspiracy" and mentioned it on the today show. Lefties of every stripe have their own favorite whipping boys- corporations, big business, CEOs, the military industrial complex, the religious right, angry white men, the "God, Guns and Gays" idiots--they always have someone to blame, never themselves.

Why is it again that the Democrats set up the rules that they did for their primary's and are having so much trouble? I've actually heard them blame the Republicans, but that seems like REALLY stretching.

To have bias and thoughts of false conspiracy is as human as breathing. Democrats and liberals celebrate humanity and material existence as supreme, so trying to look into their own boogie men seems unreasonable. At least major parts of the Republican party celebrate transcendence, with many celebrating real Christian transcendence with an actual God, not just some "ultimate socialist". That form of Christianity demands that the log in our own eye be dealt with before the mote in the others eye. Is that hard/impossible for humans? Certainly, but to believe in the specific transcendence of Christianity is to believe in the divine help of a holy spirit to assist in that admittedly tough task.

When one starts out with God as creator, then we are forced to admit that we have no idea of the justice of the world. We didn't create it, and it isn't in our hands. While there almost certainly are some conspiracies from time to time, those of us that have worked in larger organizations and groups of people realize that it is tough enough to keep a secret of something that people are legally obligated to keep a secret on due to personnel, medical, or legal restrictions. It simply becomes too easy to tell a wife, a trusted friend, or someone that "you are sure it won't matter to". Before long, the secret is common knowledge. There are no conspiracies that matter. Organized crime may come close, but I think we have all heard about that, so it isn't VERY secret.

So why be bitter? Well, as the article says, America today is a place where "outrage is honored". Approaching issues in a way that once seemed too juvenile for a teenager is now "honored" for ministers, candidates and candidates wives. In fact, the curl of the lip or the wag of the finger is considered perfectly acceptible--you are outraged, that is valid, no reason at all that you should need to produce any further facts.

How different George and Laura Bush are from that style. The level of pounding that they have taken from all sides is amazing, and there is absolutely no evidence that either of them did a single thing for motives other than a belief that it was the right policy to be followed for the country. What a contrast to the Clinton's that grasped at power and targeted everyone that pointed out any of their flaws for any personal accusation that could be found or made up. I don't think I've seen an angry word from either of them, and while the "claim" was made that Valerie Plame was "targeted", it finally came out that Richard Armitage was actually the one that "outed her" inadvertantly.

The Bushes, continue to soldier on doing the best job they can and turning the other cheek. If someone without bias was to look at the accomplishments of the administration -- 1 quarter of negative growth following the worst attack on US soil ever, most consecutive quarters of economic expansion in US history, largest increase in personal income since the 60's, Taliban defeated and elected government in Afghanistan, Saddam defeated and elected government in Iraq ... it might look pretty good compared to the accomplishment of Clinton "first Presidential semen identified on employee clothing".

If GW's approval numbers go any lower, I may have to put him in the slot of my #1 President over Reagan. Anyone the MSM hates as much as they hate him is someone that I have to give a lot of credit to.

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