Sunday, October 08, 2017

Video Media Manipulation

We are bombarded by media manipulation every day. The video at the end uses standard manipulation techniques turned against BO this time  ... HIS gaffes, the boot licking media comments, his lies, his mis-statements, etc are interepersed with music / cuts / etc to make him look bad ... essentially what the MSM did against W, and now Trump every day.

As I covered here, we live inside a media manipulation machine, including late night TV, awards shows, standard musicians ... here is Roger Waters attacking Trump.

The following is a tiny example, but instructive ... my guess is that just "57 states so far" would have sunk any Republican as "potato" killed Dan Quayle.

Saturday, October 07, 2017

Goldilocks Moon

Without the Moon, Would There Be Life on Earth? - Scientific American:

If you want to have faith in the story of evolution on earth, you need a Goldilocks moon ... not too big, not too small, just the right distance away, and appearing early in the history of the planet. Given just the right universe, you could win the lottery every time you played -- with randomness, all things are possible, it just takes A LOT of attempts ... current science thinks something around 10 400 when the number of atoms in THIS universe estimated to be 1080 in for us to be here now I'm betting that the number of required universes in the now required multiverse will rise a good deal from 400 to something more like 104000 as more things like moon effects needed for intelligent life are found.

The rather good (from a geek perspective) article has quite a lot to say about how life on earth is likely influenced heavily by our Goldilocks moon, and concludes with this:

"Still, as Bruce Lieberman, a paleobiologist at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, points out: "I suspect that eventually life would have made land without the tides. But the lineages that ultimately gave rise to humans were at first intertidal.""
 So from a POV of "science" we "know" that the evolution that created humans happened because of our moon. In the old sort of Science, there would be observations that showed how this happened and experiments you ran in order to "know" assuming the epistemological belief system you chose to accept on faith in order to see this as "fact".

In what passes for "science" these days, "there exists a story that aligns with things we can see that would allow life to get to where we are today, therefore this story must be true" ... assuming a multiverse and at least 10 400 universes, Ergo, OBVIOUS!

Only a fool would doubt such clairity.

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Friday, October 06, 2017

The Tragedy of Fake News

NBC News, come clean on Tillerson's alleged 'moron' quote | TheHill:

With my birthday being yesterday I have broken my Facebook hiatus for a couple days to honor all the birthday wishes and respond. It didn't take long for a FB tragedy to roll by, someone I am friends with on FB who was a Trump voter, moderately conservative to libertarian, gave up on Trump on the basis of this!

Naturally, the article was from CNN.

As "The Hill" article linked above covers in detail, Trump is absolutely right, this is COMPLETELY Fake News. It is created by the media finding "unnamed sources", 3 in this case, to state "off the record" that they heard Tillerson call Trump a "moron". THAT is "the news" here ... everything else is the result of that "news"!  (I suggest THIS policy on "anonymous sources") Any gyration about "how mad Trump is", Tillerson wanting to resign, EVERYTHING! It is totally Fake News with no other objective than to continue to make Trump and his administration look as bad as they possibly can 24x7 until they can either get him out of office or defeat him.

As Tillerson said, what anyone that is able must do is stick to reality ... including the reality I just stated.

When asked if he called the president a "moron" (and there's a reason that word is being kept in quotes, but more on that in a moment), Tillerson replied he wouldn't respond to petty stuff like that because the allegation and language is only meant to divide.
Why is our nation divided? Well, beyond the fact that we have lost God and therefore lost the idea of the sacred ... including our Constitution,  the ideas we were founded on, our founders, etc, it is the constant bombardment of partisan Fake News. Until '87 when Reagan allowed the right to fire back, it was 100% from the left ... now it is only 80% from the left. Which naturally the left finds to be VERY "unfair".

So in the Fake News world, when they make something up and put it out as "fact", a failure to deny is a sworn statement of the veracity of the charge. For those of you not offended by crassness of the sort that you wish didn't exist, but know does, I suggest you take a look at THIS ... LBJ on the subject of "getting someone to deny" ... the link is to a Democrat site that for some reason thinks the left has forgotten the "make something up, state it as fact, force them to deny it" ... or perhaps the modern left is pining away for something more "Johnsonian".

As the article put it:

For starters, we're fully expected to believe as fact that Rex Tillerson, one of the more guarded public figures around, called the president an "f-ing moron" or "moron" in public within earshot of the three sources NBC has.

We're also expected to believe as fact that all three of these nameless people kept this to themselves for almost three months before running to NBC with the story.

Tillerson, by saying the alleged comment was too petty to even address, is actually confessing to saying it. Or so we're told ...
One would think there would be no way that Trump could have even gotten elected, but the vast majority of his voters have completely turned off the 80% MSM. Facebook  and other sources increasingly become "amen corners" for the political views of the individual -- people that espouse the "wrong views" are unfriended, hidden, filtered, etc ... so eventually, everything they see supports their own views. They live in their own world where all agree ... and family events become minefields.

Some, such as myself, desire to see both sides, crave it even,  -- and have a VERY hard time not commenting when obvious MSM mind control such as this unfolds. Yes, I fully realize that my average sized finger in the dike of disaster is not going to fix anything, however as Burke said ... "when good men remain silent".

The part I realize today is that totally turning off FB for days at a time means that things like Birthdays,  grandkid pictures, etc go away as well. So, I'll adjust ... I did say that my leaving FB was a "liberal leave" ... can't we have our cake and eat it too? Would it not be better if it was free? Better yet, perhaps someone could pay me to eat my never ending supply of cake, and it would not make me fat.

Let's make a law! Perhaps we could have a team of "unbiased experts" filter all our feeds so we ONLY saw "factual truth"! We could call it "The Ministry of Truth" (or "The Fairness Doctrine")  ;-(

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Thursday, October 05, 2017

Prayer, Gun Control, Articles of Faith

Right and Left React to the Las Vegas Shooting and the Gun Control Debate - The New York Times:

I find the article interesting in that it is a rare case where the NY Times actually provides both the view from the left and right on a subject, in this case Gun Control post Los Vegas shooting.

What does the Bible have to say?
4 Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.”
Man lives by faith. True faith is faith in Christ, false faith is faith in government, human nature, science,  people around you, that there is no God (atheism), your insurance company, retirement savings, your own "good sense" or intelligence, etc. Again, this is not to say that all the temporal forms of faith are ALWAYS false, only that they are temporal, limited, conditional and especially likely to fail you at times of crisis. (lots of prayers to God in foxholes)

So in the face of tragedy, those whose primary faith is in God, PRAY, because they realize that in the long run God is ALL that counts, and in the short run, he is the one with true power.

Increasingly, those on the left reject and even malign the faith of Christians in their prayers, increaseingly making their faith in government as their "god" more expicit. They are STILL "praying", however in their case their god is government, so it goes something like this:

Our government who is in DC, Hallowed be thy name,
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done,
In every inch of this territory as it is in DC,
Give us this day our daily handouts, and forgive us our debts (especially the $20 trillion and rising)
As we forgive no-one, and want to see those that disagree with us punished
and give us our pleasures, and insure we are free from seing Christianity, so we are not bothered ...

The faiths are remarkably similar on Gun Control. No Christian is going to explain to you exactly HOW God will work increased safety from gun violence, only that we recognize that we live in a nation that deserves to have such incidents 24x7 in all corners, as we have strayed from God so far as to have killed 60 million of his most innocent children since Roe V Wade (and many other examples). Christians believe it is only by the God's Grace that we don't have a Vegas shooting every day -- as a nation, we have served Satan, and yet God has spared us from reaping the full carnage we deserve.

Likewise, no advocate of "common sense gun control" is honestly going to tell you that any measure that they would suggest is actually going to stop the Los Vegas tragedy. It is just that their faith in government is total, so that "somehow" government COULD achieve such control is an article of faith  -- a total ban on guns, metal detectors and surveillance everywhere, all public and private spaces equipped with sensors to detect gunfire and dispense some knockout gas? ... there is no need for any specifics. Government can do it, if all would only put their total faith in government voluntarily or by force, so that "proper measures" could be taken.

The service that could be provided by philosophy is for at least some significant "elite" to understand that we ALL live by faith. The question is always "in what"?  In theory it would be possible for enlightened people to realize that there are two poles on which to make society move in the direction of "improvement" ... culture or control, with chaos being the result if culture is destroyed and government is not made totalitarian. I'm not holding my breath for either theology or philosophy to be re-discovered in BOistan.

The American founders cast their lot with culture, and on the scale of total control on the far left, and total chaos on the far right, they desired "slightly right of center" as the goal. They believed that a God fearing people would respect life, liberty, etc. and continue to improve the culture as the main means of there being individidual morality and thus a peaceful society.

The USSR, Nazi Germany, China, North Korea, etc chose control ... they believe(d)  that people must be heavily controlled and regimented in order for the nation to be ordered and "successful".

The elite in BOistan apparently believe that religion, respect for life, sexual morality, respect for parents, police, history, the Constitution, etc can be removed and yet "somehow" the culture will "improve" ... although they are very vague in saying what "improvement" would entail beyond "equality, diversity, removal of personal responsibility, ever larger government, etc".

Their answers increasingly are "more government" in one form or another, and in the case of guns, they are more direct in saying that means more control. While they still mostly claim that does not really mean a repeal of the 2nd amendment, more and more of their voices now point out the obvious ... that while such a prohibition of private firearms to the level that a multi-millionaire with multiple homes and owning two aircraft could not obtain them is what they want. Again, this is a matter of faith  ... "how" such a prohibition would  prevent such a man from getting them is purely left to faith. Perhaps it would not be possible in China? I'd guess it would take control more at the level of North Korea to actually accomplish "safety" from such incidents -- but clearly it is a level of totalitarianism that would be fought in America. Will it be in BOistan?

So we live in a country where respect for human life has been destroyed by order of the SCOTUS in Roe V Wade. Respect for God,  Flag, Anthem, Elders, Founders, Military, Institutions, History, Tradition, Honor, Truth, Life,  ... really anything but personal choice, equality, diversity, "tolerance" (of those who bow to "progressivism") ... all quite ill-defined, is for most of the population, GONE.

And so I spend my 61st birthday in BOistan. Until 2006, I had faith that America would outlive me. I am so thankful that my Faith is in Christ Jesus, not in man! My Dad is 90, perhaps I have as much as 30 years left in this vale of tears ... and then eternity with Christ!

When a nation no longer respects life, why does it even mourn events like Los Vegas? If you are OK with killing the most innocent in the womb, why would you NOT applaud the slaughter of likely "deploreable" country music fans as was done by a legal VP of CBS?  Certainly if you are OK with the murder of a babe in the womb for convienience, the killing of country music fans that are largely "deploreables" anyway has to be seen as a positive, does it not?

My guess is that the Vegas shooting will be quickly forgotten even though the number of lives lost is large. It may seem to those that are taken in by the claims of the left that "they just want to save lives" that Vegas is a "perfect case" ... lots of lives lost, wealthy white male with no signs of mental illness doing the shooting, lots of premeditation, MANY "assault rifles", with even the "full auto" shibboleth given the "bump stocks".

We shall see ... I believe that the left is ONLY concerned about CONTROL and POWER, and "lives" are mere marketing. If they cared about lives, the 5-6 THOUSAND young black men killed in our large Democrat controlled cities each year would be a HORROR ... however, they care not at all for those lives. 

I believe that they will wait for another school shooting ... likely with a troubled young man with a lot of warning signs of mental illness. THEN, they will "blame the gun" ... not this time.

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Monday, October 02, 2017

Damned Peculiar Shooting

Las Vegas Shooting -- Very, Very Strange | National Review:

We may well find that this shooting is just like what we are being told -- "lone wolf", no religious association and no political association ... the guy just "whacked out".

However, apparently he is quite wealthy, checked in on the 28th and did a LOT of prep including getting a whole bunch of ammo and 8-10 guns up to the 32nd floor. Metal detectors are pretty common in Vegas Hotels these days ... clearly either this hotel didn't have them, or the guy got around them somehow. Possibly because he was a "high roller"?

This is damned peculiar ...

It seems odd to me that the MSM would IMMEDIATELY jump to telling us NO religious or political affiliation. I mean, the guy is WHITE, fairly wealthy, lives in Nevada ... the assumption would be that he likely voted Republican, which as we know would make TRUMP responsibile for the shooting! It is standard for any white male to be suspected of being a Republican, and therefore clearly guilty of a "hate crime" until proven not to be an R beyond a shadow of a doubt. (See Gabby Giffords and a bunch of other shootings)

But not in this case. Also, while if he is just "whacked out", then certainly a Country Music crowd is as good as any other crowd, however if he has any sort of "motive" beyond crazy, then as the CBS Legal Exec helpfully pointed out, a lot of Country Music fans voted for Trump ... so they are kind of like unborn babies in the eyes of the left, and really have no right to life.

Crowds aren't exactly rare in Vegas ... if you can check in on the 28th and go berserk on the 1st, it seems like you have A LITTLE ability to select your targets.

So to just take a very tiny tour out into black helicopter land ... Oh OOOPS! The video that I linked to has been taken down -- no need to have you make up your own mind if it is the shooter! Snopes decided it "probably isn't", so in this case, that is good enough! 

I'm guessing that the Deep State isn't going to be very excited about proving that the shooter was a Pussy Hat wearing Trump hater, so we likely will never know -- it seems clear that the MSM is highly UNinterested in finding a motive for this one!

Isn't it wonderful that we live in a country where a CBS Chief Counsel honestly feels that Trump voters should be butchered in cold blood while taking in a concert? REMEMBER, those are the GOOD people! See Trump and his voters are HATERS ... and deploreables, etc. I worked with a lot of lawyers at IBM ... they didn't like to say ANYTHING in writing, and even then it had "Attorney Client Privlege" stamped all over it!

BOistan is just not that nice a place.

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Thursday, September 28, 2017

Robomarket, It Really IS Different This Time

The Market Really Is Different This Time | Jason Zweig:

Good article on the fact that small investors are taking money OUT of the market as it rises. Why? Because millions of them have billions of dollars in "target funds" related to their retirement date. As they get older, a larger percentage of their money goes into bonds, and on top of that, every time the market rises, they become "out of balance" relative to their risk tolerance, so more money goes into bonds.

So the "suckers" this time would seem to NOT be the "little guy" as is usually the case in toppy markets.

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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

"Woke", Maybe

Why The Word 'Woke' Encapsulates An Evil, Self-Defeating Ideology:

There are a few Facebook friends I have, mostly black, who use the "woke" designation. As near as I can tell, the extent of what they mean by it is "You FULLY agree with them, you own your white privilege to the point of considering suicide, and you HATE Western civilization and all things "American" ... not only were those past folks WHITE, but they were unkind to First Americans, invented the whole idea of enslaving black people out of whole evil cloth, and STILL need to get through their ("our", meaning anyone suffering from palladness) heads that they ought to have never existed, and their offspring SURE ought not exist!

The linked column however is pretty sure "woke" is a codeword for a vast Gnostic conspiricy, which I doubt, but does have some interesting ideas to consider:

The Gnostic mind sees the entire material world as imprisoned by a dark overlord and his subordinate archons. Famous depth psychologist and self-proclaimed Gnostic Carl Jung would call these characters archetypes, explaining archetypical realities universal to the human condition. They represent the ruling cultural symbols, institutions, and systems that shackle our minds. These include everything from the economic system to traditional family systems.
One can almost hear Morpheus saying "release your mind". So what is it that "woke" means to what I believe to be the few intellectual elite in universities that actually semi-believe the gnostic gtibberish?

It’s simple: anything that’s not white, patriarchal, capitalistic, and Christian. Leftists would say they’re anti-power, anti-archon, anti-fa. But notice this is a negative, not a positive. But that, too, is the nature of Gnosticism. As long as the world is material, the womb of un-woke minds will be at work, giving rise to an endless supply of systems and institutions of power to oppose. Likewise will the end state ever remain just out of reach, dreamy, phantasmic, and utopian.
That is the fuel of the Left. To be ever against and never attain. To beat one’s fists against the nature of reality because it’s what will never be. Sad, really.

Well, those certainly are the leftists we know well.

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Sunday, September 24, 2017

Say Goodbye: NFL, Facebook

As I mowed the lawn this afternoon, the Billy Joel tune kept running through my mind. I was purposely doing something useful rather than even bother checking on any of the teams in that league where the players kneel for what used to be the national anthem of a great nation, yet stand for the anthem of the most imperialistic nation in the history of the world. The BOistani's are just not that into history, and BOistan needs to get a national anthem that it's historically illiterate people respect.

(BTW, I have HUGE respect for the history of England, I just know it makes America seem like a pansy in the lording it over people of color category).

 My pick right off would be this for the BOistan anthem:

When personal appetite is god, why not? I just hope there is a divorce and Iowa gets to be part of "America" (AGAIN!)! I strongly suspect that BOistan is headed for a divorce as opposed to a war ... Northeast and West Coast go to BOistan, middle gets to keep the old flag and national anthem from America, obviously BOistanis don't want it.

We don't agree on anything anymore, so why not just part ways? Illinois is bankrupt anyway ... just send the Chicago population to the coastal hell hole of their choice and bulldoze Chi-town. Once the festering boil of Chicago is gone, IL fits right into God's Country.

The Packers ruined my punchline for this tweet ...
In GB we have a street named after the man who wrote the Bill Of Rights. On…

My response was going to be "Your Bill Of Rights comments would have more weight if you could beat the Bengals" ... no matter, I have too many feeds to get them all shut off instantly. Too bad they won.

Politics corrupts EVERYTHING, and so it had to be with sport. Will I ever watch a game again? Oh, probably ... at a social event. I've never been the kind that shoots myself in the foot to make a point. My football interest was already waning given the whole Kapernick deal from last year, today just showed me how screwed up it really is. No more illusions, the TV cord has been cut here since spring and it will stay cut.

A bunch of multi-multi millionaire players and billionaire owners making "statements" by taking a knee for the flag and national anthem of what used to be a great country. Super. Certainly they "have a right", and I have a right to ignore them as much as possible.

A friend forwarded the following link to NFL arrest statistics ... the page helpfully points out that the rate is "lower than the general US rate". Most likely true ... I wonder how that would work out "income adjusted"?

Which brings me to FB.

I used to cross post my blog, but felt that it was too much "in your face" for people that didn't care about what I thought about things ... some people have trouble not clicking, and just ignoring it even if they click.  FB was more for pictures of kids, grandkids, saying happy birthday, health updates / requests for prayers, trip pics, pets, etc.

Much like football, I'm not going all holier than thou and "leaving FB", I'm just resolving to not bother to check it much. I'm not going to waste the time to try to get my feeds fixed so I don't see a bunch of crap that I no longer care about, and I'm certainly not going to try to "unfriend" or "hide" all the folks that I'm never going to remotely agree with on hardly anything except hoping they have a happy birthday, they and theirs are happy, healthy and hopefully in God's grace for as long as they stay in this vale of tears.

SO, if I miss your birthday, anniversary, or fail to "like" something that you expected me to, it is NOT "personal", it is just that the signal to noise on FB has just slipped over into the "time waster" category WAY too far ... send me a personal message. I'll nearly certainly see that since I run messenger!

AND, if you want to keep track of me, have my blog e-mailed, it is REALLY is easy! Near the top of the Blog, SEE RED ARROW!  

Saturday, September 23, 2017

News From Lake Goofy Be Gone

Minnesota cage match, 2017 edition (7) | Power Line:

A short review for those that live in places with sane governors and a semi-intelligent population. MN has a heavily medicated  top 1% wealth trust fund loon for a governor with a "D" next to his name, with both houses of the legislature in R hands. The governor and the legislature finally worked out a budget with fear and loathing last summer, he signed it, but "felt bad" (went on the sauce again, went off his meds ... both?), and decided to line item veto the funding for the legislature.

The legislature took it to the SCOMN saying helpfully that if the governor can zero out whole branches of government, then he could just zero out justice as well, and he would be king."

HOWEVER, 4 members of the SCOMN were appointed by Gov Goofy, so, partisanship being stronger than law these days, they dedided to "demand the parties sit down and work this out with a mediator". In MN, blackmail is supposed to net the blackmailer SOMETHING -- if they are a D of course.

For those that understand the basics of government, the JOB of the court is to INTERPRET and RULE on things like "line item veto". The court helpfully pointed out that a line item veto is a line item veto, however if it zeros out one of the branches of government it is unconstitiution" ... but never mind, we are all D's here, so "law" is secondary ... please get us off the hook so we don't have to do our jobs and do an actual ruling".

Naturally, D's around the state have pointed out that the Constitution didn't SAY that the governor could not end whole branches of government. For the un-initiated, there are LOTS of things that any law doesn't SAY ... it doesn't say that the governor may not just blow up the capitol building, or turn it into a brothel, or close 494 so he can roller skate on it, or declare the Vikings to be a ballet group -- the things that the law DOESN'T say is literally ENDLESS!

Loonistan is not however a rational state, so Governor Goofy is VERY pissed that the legislature "lied to him" ... you see, when he zeroed out their funding he expected them to be DEAD, and most of all to SHUT THE F UP! But no, after stabbing them in the back, they had the unmitigated gall to attempt to find means to stay alive!

Goofy never expected this sort of over malfesance! In a Governor Goofy action flick, when the evil bad guy with the crazy eyes (see tape of Goofy) shot the good guy in the back, the good guy would just lay there and bleed out quietly. But NO! These damned legistlators are trying to make a fight of it -- they are trying to find sources of funding and in fact HAVE found such funding so they can fight on like some crazy NY Cop in an LA high rise with no shoes and feet cut by glass!

Goofy is VERY angry about this, so  his eyes are rolling around in opposite directions and screaming TILT!!

Ah, Loonisota, where all the women are manly, the men are afraid, and children are receiving above average meds.

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Socialism, Justice and Equality To Eating Your Pets

Venezuela's Starving People Are Now Eating The Zoo Animals - The Parisians Had The German Excuse:

There ought to be quote by some famous person that goes something like "Sociaism begins with promises of justice and equality,  and ends with you eating your pets'.

If I ever become famous, there will be!

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Friday, September 22, 2017

Anti-Trump Meme Apologetics

This highly reasoned meme showed up on a persons FB feed who had unfriended me long ago, but was commented on by someone who is still a "friend", so I got to see it and comment. The lefty who had unfriended me lives in a tidy world where all leftward positions are 100% truth, and anyone in disagreement is either misinformed or willfully evil. Our world is essentially juvenile -- FaceBook is so much like junior high. 

The following is my response which I thought I would capture for future reference when confronted with the "well, certainly, nobody with any intelligence could POSSIBLY support Trump at this point!". 

The simplest answer for me though is always "Henny Youngman". Who when asked "How is your wife"? Would say "Compared to what?". This vale of tears is and always will be a Henny Youngman world of COMPARED TO WHAT! (relative)

So how is Trump compared to ??? impeachment? Pence? Paul Ryan? An imaginary perfect president? Rocket Man? ... The entire line of reasoning is simply fallicious. Even Hillary seems to be beginning to recognize that she didn't win the election, even though she is still working to list ALL of the other people and situations responsible for that ... no doubt a list that will extend into eternity as she sits in her own private space of hell working to explain how others failed her in this life. 

Anyway ... a few simple reasons for Trump, although, if you follow the links, it is "War and Peace". Enjoy. 

1). I saw 8 years of BO as the end of "America". I now live in BOistan, and 2016 was a "Russian Roulette" election for me ... absolute political death vs a good chance of political death. This is well covered here

2).Other than "deploreables", the main reason that Trump won is that Christians finally accepted that BOistan is not a Christian nation. We can't expect a Christian in the WH, but we can at least hope for representation that doesn't try to put us in jail for not celebrating gay "marriage"

3). Remotely traditional values, Christian old time independent hard working Americans have no representation in BOistan. It certainly isn't the "Republican" party as seen by their failure to repeal the main thing they lied about to gain power the past 8 years (BOcare).

They want to WORK, they see the state corrupting their rural values, culture and most of all their FAMILIES as it did the inner cities since the '60s, and they see Trump as the only thin reed of hope they have.

For me, Trump is the ONLY mild alternative to steady decline that we have had since Reagan -- Reagan "resisted", Trump fights!

If anything like America is ever to be restored, it is going to be a VAST undertaking ... Buckley called the decline in "God and Man At Yale"

I'll support Trump until there is an alternative. BOistan is politically enemy territory to me -- politically blowing it up is eminently preferable to seeing a lawless, amoral, secular humanist, financially bankrupt, ever more intrusive state increasingly become incapable of even understanding what it was that made it so.

The tribes that make up BOistan are now so far apart that communication is increasingly impossible, thus we have "memes", which are just extended name calling in pictures. My guess is that this impasse ends in "divorce" vs "civil war" ... I don't see either side "winning", and I very much doubt that either side really cares enough for an actual war. 

Adams said it best ... America was only possible with shared religious values, when we lost those, we lost America.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

JFK Killed 58K Americans to Look Tough

The Kennedy-Khrushchev Conference for Dummies:

Most of the readers of this blog know the truth about "Camelot". A rather lackluster playboy of 43 years became the youngest elected to the presidency -- not the youngest to serve, an honor that goes to Teddy Roosevelt who took over from assassinated McKinley at age 42.

Other than having his PT boat run down by a Japanese destroyer, having a book ghostrwirtten for him by Ted Sorenson ("Profiles in Crime : The Kennedy Way" .... mis-titled "Profiles in Courage") and MOST of all having a nasty bootlegging Nazi supporter father that financed his rise to the highest office in the land. Jack's modest accomplishments were followed by REALLY modest "accomplishments" as president.

The Joe Kennedy quote that really shows how the Kennedys got us really sliding toward BOistan is "Don't buy a single vote more than necessary. I'll be damned if I'm going to pay for a landslide." And he didn't ... he paid for a LOSS, but Richard Nixon was an honorable man that believed in America, so he conceded, realizing how long and nasty the exposure of how crooked elections really were would be. JFK was "elected" by the Chicago dead vote.

The whole linked column is not that long and a worthy read, but here is the hay-maker for me ...

Summarizing Kennedy's own evaluation of the aftermath of the Vienna conference in his 2003 biography of Kennedy, Robert Dallek writes that Kennedy "now needed to convince Khrushchev that he could not be pushed around, and the best place currently to make U.S. power credible seemed to be in Vietnam."
And there you have it ... 58K young American lives sacrificed so a hapless president could attempt to "look tough" while doing infinite damage to US credibility.

Oh, the Kennedy legacy

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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Chappaquiddick Kopechne Kennedy BOistan

A Chappaquiddick Reckoning At Last? [With Comment by John] | Power Line:

There are lots of points that could be argued as the true point at which the decline of America into BOistan was sealed, but Chappaquiddick is certainly an obvious one. As Buckley foreshadowed with  "God and Man At Yale", the seeds were carefully sown -- it was just a matter of time before they bore their noxious fruit. The fact that the Moon Landing was happening as the essence of the corruption of the American system was playing out lends a Biblical cast to the events of that day. We reached our peak ... but we were falling as we reached it.

Forty-eight years later, let’s be clear on what the meaning of Chappaquiddick is. Ted Kennedy should, by all rights, have stood trial for involuntary manslaughter, which would likely have ended his political career. The fact that the Kennedy family — the original postwar dynasty of the one percent — possessed, and exerted, the influence to squash the case is the essence of what Chappaquiddick means. The Kennedy's lived outside the law; the one documented instance in American history of an illegally stolen presidential election was the election of John F. Kennedy in 1960. He lost the race to Richard Nixon, but his father sealed the presidency for him by manipulating the vote tallies in Illinois. That’s the meaning of Chappaquiddick. too.
The Kennedy Crime Family was a family founded on bootlegging. It gained power through stealing the presidency in the 1960 election, and it bore poisonous fruit on July 18th 1969.

The fact that the dominant political party in the old "United States", THE PARTY (TP-D) was able to allow a sitting US Senator to effectively murder a young woman in his employ and yet continue on as a Senator showed that morality was a dead issue for TP. POWER was the only coin that mattered, and it would be 30 years later before the Clinton Crime Family would make it clear that TP POWER was able to hold even the White House in the face of any breech of law, standards, or morality as Slick Wille stained the blue dress and the oval office with it.

TP established the death of morality, law, and even decency in the old "America", and the culmination of that "victory" was the ascension of BO to power. BO established the end of the Constitution and the Separation of Powers, ushering in BOistan and the age of Trump.

A good video explaining what may have happened :

We still have no clue as to the direction which Trump may move this failed tribal state, however we ought to all understand how we got to this point.

I don’t say any of this as a right-wing troll. But those are the facts, and they are facts that liberals, too often, have been willing to shove under the carpet. And they have paid the price. Ted Kennedy became known as “the Lion of the Senate,” and did a lot of good, but when you try to build a governing philosophy on top of lies, one way or another those lies will come back to haunt you. (Hello, Donald Trump! He’s an incompetent bully, but his middle name might be “Liberal Karma.”) As a movie, “Chappaquiddick” doesn’t embellish the incidents it shows us, because it doesn’t have to. It simply delivers the truth of what happened: the logistical truth of the accident, and also the squirmy truth of what went on in Ted Kennedy’s soul. The result may play like avid prose rather than investigative cinema poetry, but it still adds up to a movie that achieves what too few American political dramas do: a reckoning.
I still hope that Trump may want to bring us back to "America" ... "greatness" is a long way off. That is very likely wishful thinking, but it was TP that took us down the path of lawlessness and amorality. That much is very clear to anyone that pays attention.

As a parent, and now a grandparent of the most beautiful granddaughter in the history of the universe, I can't imagine my anguish if she had died in the back of Teddy's car at Chappaquiddick. I strongly suspect my Christianity would not have been enough to have prevented my taking Teddy's life in as horrible a fashion as possible, but I am not proud of that sentiment ... it is just true.

We need to remember the name of Mary Jo Kopechne with honor and reverence. Her death was a greater loss to America than all the wars fought with honor. This was the moral 911 of America ... look, think, and imagine your daughter, wife, or granddaughter as Mary Jo. You know the truth, ACT! It is NEVER too late if you can swallow your pride and see the evil for what it is!

How can you run when you see her dead ....?

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Religious Hatred, Religious Tests

Democratic McCarthyites | The American Conservative:

We need to all get this straight.

FIRST, The Southern Poverty Law Center is a HATE GROUP if such a thing exists at all. It ought not ... hate is an emotion, speech is speech. There ought not be any "hate crimes" either -- crimes are actions, hate is an emotion. Yes, yes, we can assume that at the point at which you murder somebody you have at least a "mild dislike" for them or their recent behavior, but the issue is the CRIME or lack thereof. If they took action that put you in "fear for your life or great bodily harm, and no lesser force would prevent it", then shooting them or bashing in their head with a 2x4 could be completely justified as self defense.

There are some nice gun scenes that led up to this, but I find the following to be the most important of the movie.

The iron in the words of life and the words of death come from HONOR ... something that Franken nor the current denizens of the beltway have any understanding of. Our Constitution was signed in blood, as were the papers that ended the Civil War. Men understood that there was honor on both sides -- thus we have statues of Civil War heroes who "lost", but fought with honor -- something those wanting to tear down statues today have no understanding of.

SECOND, The Alliance Defending Freedom defends life itself, because God is life  -- without which there can never be any honor. Both Muslims and Christians hold homosexuality to be a sin -- a sin against God and against nature because it strikes directy at the nature and relationship of man and woman. Only Satan and his followers would declare God, the source of Love, life and free will to be "hate". Satan is the father of lies -- as BOistan has descended into paganism it has also descended into Satanism, since that is the opposite of worshiping God, not "unbelief".

THIRD, Totalitarianism requires the destruction of memory. Less than a decade ago in 2008, BOTH Democrat candidates for president were firmly on record as being against gay "marriage" because marriage between one man and one woman was a sacred and cultural bulwark. Now, less than a decade later, that is completely forgotten, and failure to CELEBRATE gay "marriage" is touted as a "hate crime" by a sitting US Senator (all be it a clownish imbecile of a senator, but never the less). Orwell knew of what he spoke -- BOistan lacks memory of America.

Man is created to SERVE ... we all serve God or Satan. That is the choice which we are allowed to make through our free will.

Without God, Love and Honor, there can be no life, love or law. Only hatred, power,  and death. Al Franken, Diane Feinstein and the Southern Poverty Hate Center have chosen Satan and death.

Choose God and life!

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I Want To Give You Herpes Less Popular Than Buy Your Own Beer

Teflon Don confounds Democrats - POLITICO:

I didn't manage to make it ALL the way to the bottom of this, but the message is all in my title. Yes, sex is popular, however if coupled with Herpes, AIDs, Syphilis, etc, it is a bit less enticing -- the Democrats "FREE!!!" college, miniumum wage, Medicare for all, etc have started to sound like FREE sex complete with nasty diseases.

There is nothing about much of anything in government these days to make people want to worship it -- Trump may not be doing it any favors, but Ryan, Pelosi, Schumer, etc are certainly not doing it any favors. Certainly the media is treating the Menendez criminal corruption trial like a state secret -- oh, wait, I guess they are treating it like a "Democrat criminal trial", "state secrets" they blab all over if they damage Republicans ... neever mind!

Oh, and Hildebeast. Is there ANYONE that isn't embarrassed for her and for our whole nation to have kept her around this long? Sure, she has always been an unlikeable ham handed criminal and  social idiot, but SERIOUSLY? "What went wrong"? ... Hillary Clinton!

Yes, you summed it up nicely on the cover.

The Democrat message of "WE HATE TRUMP" is certainly clear, however very old, and it was never what one would call "news". Trump has worked, made money even -- of course they hate him, they hate everyone that works and makes money!

One thing about Democrats, they are nigh on always certain -- even if it is just that they are certain they are confounded.

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