Friday, May 09, 2008

Money In Politics?

Powerline has a nice little post here on Democrats working to stack the 527 deck (things like so that they ONLY have 527s that agree with them. As always, they are very strong in supporting the right to agree with them-it is only if you have some other view that you find yourself breaking some law.

What I find really interesting though is that this year Republicans are BEHIND in fund raising by a HUGE amount (like 3 to 1 or worse if one counts all the congressional races and the 527s). I'm SURE I'm wrong, but in other years when Republicans were out raising Democrats, I could SWEAR that there were a number of articles on the "scourge of big money in politics", how "big money drowns out the voice of the people", how "all that money corrupts the process and the politicians". Guess not - I'm SURE that the unbiased MSM would have the same view if Democrats were the ones with all the money, right? I mean to not believe that, one would have to believe that the MSM just cares about electing Democrats and they only used the money issue when it was going against Democrats and now that the worm has turned, they are all for it.

Power Line: The Democrats Can Dish It Out...

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