Friday, May 02, 2008

Say it Isn't So

More signs the world isn't ending - May. 2, 2008

Wow, available on CNN by just linking off the main page. UNBELEIVEABLY, the econonomy isn't as bad as the MSM and the Democrats have been saying!!! As the title says, the world actually doesn't seem to be ending. Even with what we have been told over and over again is just a horrible President and record high oil prices, we seem to be narrowly avoiding a recession (even though the MSM and the Democrats have told us over and over we are IN one). This is INCREDIBLE? I wonder if that means that there might be other things that the MSM is wrong about? Nah, can't be, those folks are just too intelligent to make more than one mistake every century or so.

Since we are on AMAZING revelations from the MSM, I'm still confused as to how it was obvious that Bush went into Iraq for oil, but the prices have just kept going up? Was it sort of like the WMD, eveyone thought that Iraq had oil but it turned out that they really didn't? I mean, I know he led us in there "all on lies" for SOME reason - and I thought at one time I had it straight that he was "lying about WMD to get oil". Since I always believe the MSM, I've been waiting for all that cheap oil that we were going to be getting out of Iraq since that was the real reason we went in there.

I'm generally a red state kind of guy, so not very bright, I'm sure they will be explaining it to me soon.

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