Friday, May 30, 2008

MSM State Secret Mildly Exposed

Lifting the U.S. oil drilling ban seen doing little good - May. 30, 2008

Gee, if we are short of oil, maybe we ought to allow drilling? Weird idea huh? Naturally, only the idiot Republicans and evil oil executives would consider something like this-or building refineries for that matter. Thankfully, we have the clearer Democratic heads and the MSM making sure that we don't increase our oil production by 20% or more in a shortage market. Hey, some oil company might make more PROFITS, and we surely wouldn't want that. One has to read well down in the article to find the 20% improvement, and realize that DOESN'T include increased oil shale or coal to oil conversion-there are plenty of government agencies stopping those as well.

I guess it is good politics if you can pull it off. Oppose energy exploration, drilling, innovation (coal/oil shale), refineries, slap a bunch of regulations on for this that and the other thing to increase costs while lowering production and then "blame the oil companies and the Republicans". Works good if you own the MSM and the vast majority of the folks are bleating sheep.

BTW, the old "Demonize the Opposition and Big Business" was the FDR way to keep the country in depression for the 8 years of his first two terms until he was forced to work with business to build the war machine for WWII, without which, we would likely have been in a permanent depression with his policies.

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