Thursday, June 19, 2008

BO Makes Campaign Finance History

Obama bypasses public money — 1st since Watergate - Yahoo! News

Things have REALLY changed since 2000! In 2K, the "Bush Money Machine", and "Big Campaign Money" were a "threat to America", and the media was all over that horrible Bush for "buying the election". What made Bush specially bad (other than raising more funds than their cherished Democrats)? Well, the cad opted out of Federal financing for PRIMAIRIES. Wow, that was horrible! That meant that he used his money advantage against (among others), John McCain! Remember when the media LOVED that "maverick" McCain? My how times have changed!

Of course in those distant times the MSM LOVED "McCain/Feingold", that bold step forward, great thing that everyone ought to be in favor of. Have any guesses about how big a story this is going to be?
Last year, Obama filled out a questionnaire where he vowed to "aggressively pursue an agreement with the Republican nominee to preserve a publicly financed general election." But since clinching the Democratic nomination earlier this month, Obama has not broached the subject with McCain. The only discussion occurred about two weeks ago between Obama's and McCain's lawyers,
How many times have we heard media say "Bush lied" in the last 5 years? I wonder how many times we will see this Obama move referred to as a "lie"? We need to get whole new definitions. When Bush said that "British Intelligence said that Saddam was seeking yellowcake", British intelligence confirmed it, and a British investigation approved the intelligence, but the American media decided "No, Saddam didn't do that", THAT was declared as a "Bush LIE". When Bush said that Saddam had WMDs, the CIA said he had WMDs, the Clinton administration historically and every world power including the UN said that he had WMDs, but WMDs were not found in sufficient quantities (only components buried under school yards, older shells with sarin, etc), that meant that "Bush lied".

One can only assume that for a Republican, the definition of "a lie" is "a statement that you make that disagrees with the media view". I await what the definition might be for Obama? I'm thinking that it is metaphysically impossible for him to state something that is less than truthful from the media perspective. I'll await their verdict. "Truth" was such a HUGE issue just a short time ago, but my sense is that the standards may have suddenly gotten murkier? I argue that the MSM capabilty to convince many Americans that are in the middle that actually DO believe that "character is an issue" that "Bush lied" is a MAJOR coup on their part and has a giant effect in creating his low popularity and the Democrat takeover in Congress.

Note the words of the other "saint of campaign finance".
Russ Feingold,a Wisconsin Democrat who has worked with McCain on campaign finance laws in the past, praised Obama for his support of current campaign finance legislation, but added: "This decision was a mistake."
Now there is your courageous non-partisan guy. I'm sure Russ will be trumpeting this scathing "This decision was a mistake" rhetoric from shore to shore. Here we have an example of "principled courage in politics". Mind you, since his name is on the "historic legislation", I guess one should be unsurprised how he REALLY gets out there on this one! No room for cynicism in US politics these days!

Then we have this sterling example of the BO "new kind of politics":
Obama said McCain and the Republican National Committee are fueled by contributions from Washington lobbyists and political action committees.

"And we've already seen that he's not going to stop the smears and attacks from his allies running so-called 527 groups, who will spend millions and millions of dollars in unlimited donations," Obama said. 
Despite that claim, few Republican-leaning groups have weighed into the presidential contest so far. In fact, Obama allies such as are the ones that have been spending money on advertising against McCain.
Wow, even the AP can't quite fully stomach the "audacity" of that one. It is McCain and the Republican's fault that BO has to break his word? BUT, even the MSM (all be it WAY at the end of the article) is forced to recognize that the BO claim is a complete lie, and it is HIM that is benefiting from the "so-called 527 groups".

Yes, this is really a "new kind of politics".

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