Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Troop Suicides and BO

Thomas Sowell is often the voice of reason. I have seen the media talk of "increases in troop suicides", giving one the impression that there must be a significant suicide problem in the military. Certainly, ANY suicide rate is too high, but when we discover that they in-theater and at home rates are LESS than the rates for the general population in the same age group, isn't it just a BIT disengenupous for the MSM to be trumpeting the "suicide problem in the military"? NPR had at least one hour long special on it for example.

Sowell is a black man that also sees that same sort of "Cocky Ignorance" in BO that I do. It is often the case that those that are in many ways the smartest are the most ignorant of all--sort of another version of the rich; "the can afford to be".

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Cocky Ignorance

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