Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hillbilly SoS

Official: Clinton to push U.S. leadership renewal - CNN.com

I wonder if they will ask her about the "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" (VRWC)? She talked about this horrible and powerful organization on the Today Show on National TV. I assume that she MUST have been correct rather than foolish, since Dan Quayle misspelling "potato" at a grade school spelling bee became national news that stuck with him forever and proved that he was a fool.

So since we KNOW that the "VRWC" must be an intelligent fact rather than some foolish paranoid fantasy, since a person prone to to foolish paranoid fantasies would be even less qualified for national office than a person who adds an 'e' to the end of "potato" -- and we know that we are a fair and rational nation.

So, was the conspiracy destroyed somehow? Maybe hunted down and killed or something since "the vote" doesn't usually affect a conspiracy very much. Maybe they are still in operation and pulling a bunch of strings? Maybe they defeated poor Hilly in the Democrat primaries "somehow" and have cleverly installed BO as their minion -- that would explain the horror of inviting Rick Warren to pray at the inauguration and potential tax cuts. BO is maybe a clever plant by the VRWC.

In any case, it seems like a good question to ask our shiny new SoS, and I'm certain our ever vigilant press and elected officials will be getting right on it!

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