Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Moderates on Healthcare

IBDeditorials.com: Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from Investor's Business Daily -- Gov't-Run Care Is A Study In Soaring Costs

With the country deep in the left ditch, the term "moderate" seems to have fallen completely out of fashion. When we were only on the left shoulder with extremely moderate Republicans like Bush and McCain in the drivers seat, the current crop of socialists were of course "moderates", but now that we are buried in the left ditch with little apparent hope of rescue, "moderates" are no where to be found. It seems that the MSM and the bulk of the lefties just can't imagine the use of the moderate term for ANYONE that isn't on the left. "Moderate" is good, left is good -- if you look at the world that way, and that is just how they think.

I'd argue that Boschwitz and Penney are a pretty moderate combination, and they are even prone to this currently completely missing thought of "common sense". If we are going to sign the government up for a gigantic medical entitlement, ought we not look at how they have done with the two giant entitlements they have today in the medical area -- Medicare and Medicade??

What kind of impact did Medicare, the first large government health insurance plan have in budgetary terms? Medicare rose from $5.1 billion in 1968 to $436.0 billion in 2007 an astounding increase of 85.5 times over the 40-year period. Will ObamaCare be better?

Their article goes over all the comparisons with the rest of the budget, but the bottom line is that about the only thing the government seems to be able to do at an ever decreasing percentage of the budget is defense.