Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Un-American Protests

Column: 'Un-American' attacks can't derail health care debate - Opinion - USATODAY.com

Remember when it was "chilling" for some to claim that it was "un-American" for the NYT to sensationalize Abu Grab and to leak classified documents on rendition programs and other supposedly covert activities? They thought that such activity was bound to embolden more terror and to make the US out to be the bad guy. Wow, folks that think like THAT are "radical" -- let's see how the left thinks about people making statements about BOcare.

However, it is now evident that an ugly campaign is underway not merely to misrepresent the health insurance reform legislation, but to disrupt public meetings and prevent members of Congress and constituents from conducting a civil dialogue. These tactics have included hanging in effigy one Democratic member of Congress in Maryland and protesters holding a sign displaying a tombstone with the name of another congressman in Texas, where protesters also shouted "Just say no!" drowning out those who wanted to hold a substantive discussion.

Well now it is "un-American" to protest your government adding trillions of dollars to the debt for BOcare. This is an America where you have no right to oppose the will of BO and Nancy Pelosi. "Change" has come to pass!!

It is interesting to note which side is offended by what. Conservatives tend to be offended by flag burning, not supporting the nation at war and chants and disruptions at campaign events. Democrats are offended that not everyone agrees with them at a Town Hall meeting. One might wonder if the "Town Hall" is supposed to be more like the local Politburo? Where we all get together to say the same thing?