Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Worries on the Left

Obama's healthcare horror | Salon

Please read this, Camille Pagila is a lefty with impeccable empty headed views on creating a perfect world with a few simple government programs.

But somehow liberals have drifted into a strange servility toward big government, which they revere as a godlike foster father-mother who can dispense all bounty and magically heal all ills. The ethical collapse of the left was nowhere more evident than in the near total silence of liberal media and Web sites at the Obama administration's outrageous solicitation to private citizens to report unacceptable "casual conversations" to the White House. If Republicans had done this, there would have been an angry explosion by Democrats from coast to coast. I was stunned at the failure of liberals to see the blatant totalitarianism in this incident, which the president should have immediately denounced. His failure to do so implicates him in it.

A "strange servility"? Apparently Camille has missed most of her lefty compatriots quietly chewing their cuds when Democrats held power in the past.

In case you doubt that she is actually a certified Bush hater, and therefore obviously intelligent in the eyes of the MSM and it's followers ...

Aug. 12, 2009 | Buyer's remorse? Not me. At the North American summit in Guadalajara this week, President Obama resumed the role he is best at -- representing the U.S. with dignity and authority abroad. This is why I, for one, voted for Obama and continue to support him. The damage done to U.S. prestige by the feckless, buffoonish George W. Bush will take years to repair. Obama has barely begun the crucial mission that he was elected to do.