Monday, August 03, 2009

What Do You Think???

Boston officer's apparent racial slur may get him fired -

Just read the link and tell me what Boston Officer you think of? Notice the pictures.

The guy on the top is Jim Crowley the officer involved in the Gates arrest, the guy on the bottom is Justin Barrett the guy who sent the note. Barrett had nothing to do with the arrest, yet the fact that the note was sent was linked below the CNN headline about the Gates incident.

One wonders how many crank notes the Boston Globe gets on a daily basis? What percentage do you suppose they publish??

Does the MSM try to "subtely" influence what people think via "assumed relationships"??

How many times did we hear from varies media and Democrat sources that "Bill Clinton was set up"?? Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky were "openly rumored" to be "plants". Even the first lady talked on national TV about "the vast right wing conspiracy", yet to the majority of the left, anyone that even claims that there is a media bias is "a nutcase".

At the very least, the "message" that covering some officers screed note to the Boston Globe gets across is "The Boston Police are Racist". Who benefits from that message?

I think it is pretty hard to argue anything but that the Boston Globe and CNN thought it would be good to plant the seed that "the Boston Cop" had sent a racist note, so he was a racist. I bet over half of their readers looked at it and said "SEE!! The cop is a racist!!!"