Thursday, October 12, 2017

Climate Change, The Faith Of BOistan

Lake Superior Drying Up Due to Climate Change! No, Wait… | Power Line:

The linked article shows the current news stories of Lake Superior being near record high levels due to Climate Change (CC), and links to articles from 2012 that lament it being near record low levels due to CC.

For the CC believer, there is no problem here -- long periods of stable weather are proof of CC, as in longer droughts or wet spells. More storms are evidence of CC as we see with the resurgance of tropical storms this year, as was the over a decade hurricane drought from '05 to this year. As I heard a scientist declare on "Climate Cast" on MPR, "At this point, all weather events clearly show the fingerprints of CC".

Humans have always enjoyed having certainty to cling to in a world that seems uncertain. It used to be Almighty God, these days it is CC. The nice thing for the CC faithful is that while there always seemed to be "scoffers" against God, you can walk vast swaths of blue state BOistan, the halls of acedemia, governent, media, etc, and never hear a peep from an unwashed "denier".  CC is a dogma that requires no Satan. In Christian theology, God was the force for good, and Satan was the force for evil. In CC, all that happens that remotely relates to weather -- often including things like unrest in the middle east (due to drought) are explained by CC.

Temprature might rise or fall, water levels may rise or fall, greenry flourish or wilt, it matters not to the holiness of CC ... all that happens in weather is explained by the truth of CC.

The reasons to believe are clear -- who wants to be seen as having low intelllect, being stubborn, being against saving the world, not willing agree with "97% of scientists"!! What kind of an arrogant fool would even consider disagreement with 97% of scientists! Clearly such a one is a DENIER through and through and must be cast into outer darkness!

Obviously, the kind of fool that belives in individual freedom, independence,  and liberty, and that is NOT what BOistan is about! Not being able to put your own thoughts in perspective and follow what the vast majority believe is NOT a value on BOistan!

The only reason to question CC is if you are not willing to remain a citizen of BOistan. CC is the law and the faith of BOistan, for the BOistani, there is no other choice.

'via Blog this'

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