Monday, October 16, 2017

Jonah Still In Whale's Belly

Harvey Weinstein, Donald Trump, Hypocrisy & Mitt Romney’s “Binders Full of Women” | National Review:

I still enjoy reading Jonah Goldberg -- I've tended to love his books (Liberal Fascism,  and Tyranny of Cliches, which I need to blog on).

In general, he saw Trump, thought he was a guppy, realized too late he was a whale, got swallowed as a #nevertrumper, and is now out for a long cold ride in the dark. Thus he ends with this ...
It’s war, fight fire with fire; if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em; what about X,Y, and Z?: These are the new rallying cries on much of the right. And as much as that breaks my heart, I can’t help but want to shout leftward, “You stupid f**ks, look at you now.”
He definitely means to shout it RIGHTWARD as well ... he is REALLY pissed to be spending his time in the belly of a whale!

Jonah seems totally unable to understand the concept of cutting off your legs to save your eyes -- a trade-off I'd guess nearly all of us would make if we had to. Hillary = losing eyes, Trump = cutting off legs. If most of us made that decision, everyone would be completely unsurprised to see us "making the best of it" ... continuing to say we made the right decision even from a wheelchair, driving a special hand controlled car rather than not being able to drive ... that sort of thing.

Goldberg is Jewish and I don't believe much for practicing, as opposed to Christian, so my guess is that as a really really smart guy, he lacks the sort of metaphysical humility that says that some level of tribalism is simply not avoidabe -- there is ALWAYS going to be LESS oppribum for "our side", that is really not "hypocrisy", but rather "humanity" ... throwing morals of a sexual harrassment nature completely out the window like with Harvey, Slick, etc is where the train has left the tracks.

To declare that a grandparent MUST see their won grandchildren in the same light as all other children is just not going to happen. Deep down, I always suspect that the BIG thing that Jews have against Christians is that they know the Chrisitans believe they are "God's adopted children through the Blood of Christ", and the Jew's just don't like anyone else thinking they are God's children!

"Father would NEVER adopt other children! He has US!"

Jonah's brand of "conservative" is also somewhat Jewish -- "Trump ain't no stinkin Messiah! He eats, he drinks (with sinners and publicans no less!), he fails to wash his hands when he should, he said bad things about Pharisees ..."

Since Jonah is as least as pissed that Trump won as any D, he is REALLY not happy (whale bellies are noteably uncomfortable). The BIGGEST positive of Trump is HE WON! Again, if you cut your legs off to save your eyes, "I CAN SEE" would be a pretty sweet thing ... and focusing on how bad it is that you have no legs would really not be that helpful.

So poor Jonah keeps pining away for the lovely writing time he would have had if Trump had lost and Hillary would have won -- at least he would not be in a whale, AND, the supposed "conservatives" would still have their "moral purity".

The column is an entertaining read ... lots of mxed metaphors and stories lumped together in a bit of a "whales breakfast", but never the less entertaining.

'via Blog this'

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