Monday, February 16, 2009

Courage Still Lives!

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - IL Republican: Obama only arm-twisted in public « - Blogs from

WOW, a few more people like this, and someday we may yet see "Hope for Change" to something like having people take responsibility for their lives and expect to gain a better future for them and their children by trusting in something more than Government and in their own ability and hard work!

There is hope! Slim mind you, but slim is much better than none!

“I like the President. He’s a very good guy . . . I want him to be successful. I want to vote for a stimulus bill. I appreciated his hospitality in bringing me along on the trip. . . . But at the end of the day my responsibility is to the people who gave me this job – my constituents,” the 27-year-old said.

President Obama “could not have been more cordial” onboard Air Force One, Schock said. “He waited for the hard sell, if you will, in front of the national media. That’s when I really got both of my arms twisted there in front of hundreds of my constituents and the national media when he had me stand up and basically ask my constituents to put the pressure on me.”

Like some of his Republican colleagues in the Senate, Schock also took issue with the legislative process that resulted in the massive stimulus bill.

“Bipartisanship is not one party writes the bill and we all vote for it. Bipartisanship means you truly meld together both sides ideas and come up with a compromise bill,” Schock told King. “That didn’t happen in this case and ultimately, that’s why I voted against it.”

See, "Bipartisanship" is another one of those things that the MSM thinks differently about depending who is in power. If Republicans are in power, one is "bipartisan" when the DEMOCRATS get full involvement and are happy with all outcomes. When Democrats are in power "Bipartisan" is when they completely get their way and some Republicans "get it" and vote along with them. Simple!

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