Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Rapacity of Audacity

American Thinker: The Rapacity of Odacity

Looks like the BO blew out of Washington and went back on the campaign trail after less than a month in office. This time, he was selling pork by the Trillion, with just a hint of lipstick. I love the "trio" of the now "heroic" bipartisan Republican Senators -- Collins, Snowe, and Specter. RINOs all, but oh how much more lovely these 3 are to the MSM than poor old Joe Liberman!

Couple of great paragraphs from this article. "The Road to Serfdom" covered this prior to the rise of the National Socialists (Nazis) in Germany, so it is old news, but news that mankind needs to learn over and over. When you attack those that bake the pie, you end up with less pie for all.

Read it all, here is a teaser.
Socialism is rapaciously greedy -- that's what endless envy warfare comes down to. The Left likes to preen itself with the word ‘progressive,' when it is actually the most regressive political strategy in history. The key political move is to seek out the most rapacious people -- not hungry for food but power -- and use them to mobilize an attack on the productive sector, the milk cows of society. It is the most primitive political strategy ever. It goes back to the Romans and long before. Karl Marx merely reinvented a very old and decrepit wheel.
That is why today, in his first month in office, President Obama needs to go after executives who earn more than 500 thousand dollars per year. Marxism has become the politics of universal envy and rapacity, as long as there is a victim group hungry enough to be led into battle against the ever-shifting enemy. That is why racial politics has not been left behind by the Democrats; on the contrary. The United States is more racially sliced and diced than it has been since the Dixiecrats lost their power.

Audacity is voracious because there's never enough free pie. It's the pie supply that grinds to a halt if the bakery is coerced into working without compensation -- a condition that used to be called "slavery." Without suitable incentives, producers can only be forced to work by the threat of punishment. And with full media control, our socialists make sure the baker gets the blame for any sudden pie shortage. We've watched it happen with Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Coal, and on and on -- but never with Big Media or Big Government. It's easy to tell who the demagogues are -- their names are never on the hit list.

As the bitter old Soviet joke went, "Capitalism is the exploitation of man by man. Socialism is the opposite." Only the apparatchiks, the new ruling class, win.

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