Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day of Reckoning

William Kristol - Republicans' Day of Reckoning -

Well, I think we already had that --November 3, 2008. We failed as a nation, miserably. Now the issue is just "how deep the damage", and so far the answer is "very deep indeed".

I think the big question is really "can it be survived" at least with anything like even the horribly damaged post New Deal / Post Great Society America that looks nothing like what the founders intended, nor nothing like what is needed to compete in the ever more sophisticated technocratic world.

But it is a good article. BO is indeed "the anti-Reagan". I hope we don't find he is "The Anti-America" as well:

Obama's speech reminds of Ronald Reagan's in 1981 in its intention to
reshape the American political landscape. But of course Obama wishes to
undo the Reagan agenda. "For decades," he claimed, we haven't addressed
the challenges of energy, health care and education. We have lived
through "an era where too often short-term gains were prized over
long-term prosperity." Difficult decisions were put off. But now "that
day of reckoning has arrived, and the time to take charge of our future
is here." The phrase "day of reckoning" may seem a little ominous
coming from a candidate of hope and change. But it's appropriate,
because it's certainly a day of reckoning for conservatives and

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