Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Havard Killed Wall Street

There is an interesting hypothesis here that bears some thought -- especially with a proud Havard Grad as President. I love books, I love book knowledge -- but I also grew up on a farm, fish, hunt, shoot and have engaged in real business and investing. Bottom line; reality isn't in a book or a computer model.

A lot of what has been loosed on our nation is the idea that we are in a "post common sense world". Reaganomics was pretty much just "common sense" -- set people free to create and take risks, allow them to keep (and lose) the results of that freedom, and "on balance", things will be better.

No longer. Those simple ideas are now "incompetent" we have PHD Nobel Prize winners like Paul Krugman making pronouncements of what MUST be done and what WILL happen after it is done. Maybe. I've seen a lot of very smart and well educated people be wrong, and a lot of not so well educated but much more humble folks be right.

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