Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Poor Daschle

George's Bottom Line

If the President had an "R" next to his name, this story would be very simple and the hammers would be hammering away like the following:

1). Daschle looks criminal. If a regular American had half as much of a tax problem, they would be in the pokey.
2). If Daschle isn't criminal, then he has to be so incompetent that he defies description -- how could such a person get such huge money as a lobbiest without engaging in the worst possible kinds of influence peddling?
3). Most likely he is to some degree BOTH criminal and corrupt. How could the President pick such a man? Why would the President stand by him? How could the folks in his own party be willing to defend him? The whole Republican party must be horribly corrupt and this President must be BOTH corrupt and incompetent as well. We are in terrible trouble as a nation.

BUT, BO is a Democrat as is Daschle -- so the MSM wrings their hands that such a "good man" was brought down by a "simple tax mistake", and isn't he great and good for bowing out? Oh, and BO, well HE is great because he has "admitted a mistake"! Gee, isn't that special -- were he a Republican, after Richardson, Geitner, Daschle and Nancy Killefer (his "Chief Performance Officer" all had to withdraw, he would at a minimum be branded as "incompetent". How can anyone that is that poor a judge of character expect to run a country? Good for BO that he is a Democrat, when the mistakes start on the oath of office, a Republican would nearly be toast already.

I hear the BO revenue strategy is to just keep appointing Democrats and he will be able to pay off the debt in just Democrat back taxes -- then he even screws that up by appointing Judd Gregg (a Republican)!

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