Monday, February 23, 2009

You Have to Love Polls

Poll: Politicians trusted more than business leaders on economy -

Here we have a HEADLINE poll on CNN tonight that sounds really good for congress and BO. Funny, on the way home this evening, even NPR was pointing out that BOs numbers were DOWN 9 points in 2 weeks, and lamenting that almost ALL of that slip was among Republicans. ONLY 39% of REPUBLICANS now said they supported him, as opposed to something like 50% that hadn't figured out that he was a socialist prior to him ramming his package though with no input from Republicans.

NPR was pretty sad that ONLY 39% of Republicans liked BO. Strangely, I've been listening to them for the last 8 years, and there was nothing at all "partisan" about greater than 9 out of 10 Democrats being against Bush. In fact, PARTISAN meant basically Bush only handing over 80-90% of the reins of Government to Reid and Pelosi. Strange how things seem different now.

I'd say it is a good indicator of exactly how much trouble BO is already in when his friends at CNN go out of their way to gin up a misleading poll and put it as a headline to make it seem like their guy isn't sinking like a stone in the polls.

If Bush had lost 9pts in 2 weeks, the headlines EVERYWHERE would read "Bush Sinks 9 Points in Two Weeks". or "Bush Crashes with Market", "Bush Already In Poll Trouble" ... etc ... in fact we already saw that, and that was just the kind of headlines that the media put out!

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