Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Eat The Rich

DealBook Column - Up Next for Big-Shot Bankers - A Public Flogging - NYTimes.com

Oft times we read about what horrid people are in banking, finance, big business, etc. They are rapacious, greedy, selfish disgusting folks, and someone needs to put them in their place.

“I want groveling,” wrote Patt Morrison, an op-ed writer at The Los Angeles Times, over the weekend, echoing a chorus of others. “I want show-trial sweating and stammering. I want their nine-figure bonus checks endorsed over to the rest of us. I want my 401(k) money back. I want blood; I’m a vegetarian, but I’d make an exception for a smoking plate of C.E.O. en brochette.”

The whole column is worth reading as a study in "liberal nature", but you get the main point. I'm so reminded of "The Unforgiven" when we introduced to "English Bob", and taught quickly to hate him. When the town sheriff, "Little Bill" beats him unmercifully, we are glad, but at least for some of us, we start to "wonder" --- if only because we know that in the end Clint Eastwood has to be some sort of "hero".

Clint does indeed "prevail", but at least I was struck in an almost spiritual way about how litte we know about how to "judge", and why the Sovereign Lord explicitly tells us that we are not able to judge. How easy it is for man to call for the darkness while thinking they are calling the light. There is no "calling" for the light -- salvation is always there, it isn't our "call" that brings it, it is our willingness to cease our "just refusal" of salvation, because to do so seems to be "unjust" to our human soul.

WE, must "work hard" to be "better than others", and thus "deserving". We strongly need to see "others as worse", and it is only "right" to see those that are worse be punished on this earth, and in the after life as well. Each of us though, unless living in Christ, is CERTAIN that we are "diserving", but others are not.

So, they "want to see them grovel"! They want what is THEIRS!!! Their "justly earned through a growing market 401K"!!! But wait, were they for the policies that let the economy, business and that 401K grow? Or were they for the policies that would "share the wealth", much of which was in that market and a lot of folks decided was better OUTSIDE it before the "sharing" (at gunpoint) began.

How do they think they will get their 401K back if they eat the rich?

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